Research shows that designing programs
that are technically sound is only half of
the equation.
The other half is designing your program
to fit the local context.
That's where we come in.
We provide data-driven research & analysis to help government, civil society,
and commercial clients tackle complex problems across three core sectors.
Qualitative and quantitavie
research & analysis is central
to all our work
We use human-centred and
deliberative design processes
We adapt our research
methods to suit the unique
needs of each project
We have significant experience
researching highly-sensitive topics
in a culturaly-safe manner
We work from the ground-up,bringing
local insights and experiences to
our analysis and recommendations
Our global network of academics
and technical experts ensures our work
reflects international best practice
We have a strong track record in community engagement and research. But we prefer to let our work speak for itself.